Worship in the Episcopal Church is "liturgical," which means “the work of the people together” or common prayer. Revised and updated several times over the past 500 years, the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is the basis for our worship. While over two-thirds of the BCP’s content is from the Scriptures, our services also include spiritual reflection and music to lift up our hearts and deepen our relationship with God.
Celebration of Holy Communion or Holy Eucharist is central to our worship. Everyone is welcome to come forward and receive Holy Communion. Communion is usually received while kneeling or standing at the altar rail, but people who are unable to come forward to the altar may receive Communion where they are seated in the church. Communicants may receive the bread alone or the bread and the wine. Children may receive in the same manner if they and their parents so desire. If you don't wish to receive the wine, you may simply cross your arms over your chest after consuming the bread. If you wish to receive a blessing, cross your arms over your chest and you will receive a prayer from the priest. It is the expectation of the Church that those regularly receiving Communion will commit themselves to God through receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. We have gluten free and non-alcoholic options.
The general custom in many Episcopal Churches is to "stand for praise, sit for instruction, and kneel for prayer." You may participate in our worship services in a manner that is comfortable for you. You will observe some kneeling and some standing during the same parts of the service. On entering or leaving one's pew, we usually acknowledge God's presence by bowing toward the altar. This simple act helps to remind us that we are in a holy place dedicated to prayer and worship. Many people bow as the processional cross passes. Making the sign of the cross is one way of expressing one's thankfulness when receiving a blessing, hearing the Gospel proclaimed, or accepting God's forgiveness in the words of absolution. None of these customs is required, but many worshippers find them to be helpful in deepening their spiritual embodiment and awareness. For more resources on the customs of the church, check out the links below: